At Funtington Primary School, we believe that a high-quality mathematics education is essential for all pupils. We want our mathematicians to have positive experiences of maths, which build confidence and resilience; be able to select from a range of strategies and approaches to solve problems; find relationships, patterns and links between mathematical ideas; be able to explain their thinking using accurate vocabulary and mathematical language; ask questions to develop their understanding.
Our maths curriculum is designed to develop a deep and sustainable understanding of key mathematical concepts, procedures and reasoning. We follow the National Curriculum for Mathematics and use the NCETM's mixed-age planning and mastery approach to ensure all pupils, regardless of their starting points, make excellent progress.
In the Early Years, we place a strong emphasis on developing a secure understanding of number. We implement the Mastering Number programme, which is recommended by the NCETM, to support children in EYFS and Key Stage 1 in building a deep understanding of number and fluency in calculation. This lays crucial foundations for future mathematical success.
The NCETM's mixed-age planning approach recognises that pupils in the same year group can have very different prior knowledge and understanding. Rather than planning separate lessons for each year group, teachers in Key Stage 2 plan learning journeys that build upon prior knowledge and allow all pupils to access the same core content. Lessons are structured to provide the right level of challenge, support and intervention for each pupil. In contrast, children in Years 1 and 2 have separate maths sessions, delivered by the class teacher, in order to accommodate the different stages of development of pupils and different curriculum demands at this early stage of mathematical understanding.
The mastery approach underpins our maths curriculum. This means we believe all pupils can achieve excellence in mathematics. Our lessons focus on developing conceptual understanding alongside procedural fluency. Pupils spend time exploring mathematical concepts using concrete manipulatives, pictorial representations and abstract symbols. This helps them make connections and deepen their understanding.
Regular retrieval practise and opportunities for reasoning and problem-solving are built into our curriculum. This ensures pupils develop fluency, flexibility and the ability to apply their knowledge to new situations.
Our curriculum is sequenced carefully to ensure key mathematical concepts are introduced in a logical order and pupils have the necessary prior knowledge to access new learning. Curriculum content is revisited regularly to consolidate and extend understanding.
We use high-quality resources, including those recommended by the NCETM, to support the delivery of our maths curriculum. Teachers receive regular training and support to ensure they have the subject knowledge and pedagogical expertise to deliver lessons effectively.
Through our maths curriculum, we aim to develop mathematically confident pupils who can reason, problem-solve and apply their skills confidently. We want our pupils to see mathematics as a creative, interconnected discipline that is essential for understanding the world and making sense of daily life.