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Funtington Primary School

Safeguarding Statement

Funtington Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and their families in line with government legislation. This includes the children of adults who use or provide our services. The school expects all staff, governors, volunteers, external agencies and trainees to share in this commitment, raising concerns when necessary.

We have a safeguarding and child protection policy and procedure in place. These can be viewed on our website or a hardcopy can be provided on request from the school office. Regular training is provided to all staff and volunteers working in school.

We regularly work in partnership with other agencies where there are concerns about a child’s welfare. These concerns will be discussed with the child’s parents/carers first, unless this would affect the child’s safety. Our principles are supported by robust  procedures, staff supervision and the curriculum.

The DSL in our school is Mrs Katie Hoebee (Headteacher)

The deputy DSLs are Mrs Emma Bowman (SENCO), Mrs Tory Oiller and Mr Oli Starr

The safeguarding leads can be contacted using the following email address:


or by calling the school on:

01243 575675


Reviewed August 2024