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Funtington Primary School

Parent Survey 2015

Learning and Teaching

Behaviour and Safety


Verbatim Comments

There were some common themes in the verbatim comments and I have included these below. Your feedback was very helpful and will be used to help inform future school development.

1.       Rules on timekeeping and uniform could be enforced more.

-          We have reviewed our home-school agreement this term. This is a statement explaining the school’s aims and values; the school’s responsibilities towards its pupils who are of compulsory school age; the responsibilities of each pupil’s parents and what the school expects of its pupils. The home-school agreement covers time-keeping and uniform amongst other things. We will be sending home two signed copies of the home-school agreement in September and would request that one copy is signed by parents/carers and returned to school for our records.


 2.       We used to get a list of all important dates for forthcoming events. Agree it is on the website but just a brief beforehand was handy.

-          We will be putting monthly diary dates on the Weekly News and including termly/annual diary dates in the Funtington News to try and keep people more informed.


 3.       I do have concerns about playground/parent opinions regarding how the school tackles persistent issues of discipline with a small minority of pupils.

-          Our expectations for behaviour for all children are closely linked to our Funtington Footprints which are the values that the whole school community agreed and we all adhere to at Funtington. We reviewed and updated our Behaviour Policy and Anti-Bullying Policy in the Spring term and these can be viewed in the parent section of our website. We also have paper copies in school that can be viewed.


 4.       Children could benefit from more activities to improve their presentation skills.

-          We agree that it is very important that children take care and pride in the presentation of their work. We teach the children handwriting skills right through the school and once they can write consistently in a fluent, neat and clear handwriting style they are presented with a pen licence in sharing assembly. We also have a DUMTUM rule that all of the children use in their writing – Date, underline, miss a line, title, underline, miss a line.

We also know that it is really important that children are equipped with the skills needed to present their work to an audience and we plan in opportunities for all classes to learn about and practise different forms of presentation for different purposes and to audiences of different sizes. Examples of these opportunities this year have included sharing assemblies, Harvest Festival, Spring Assembly, the Carol Service, Independent Learning Week, Homework Reviews and Learning Journal Reviews as well as presentations of their work to their class audience.